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How Women of Color Are Changing the Political Landscape

Ayada Leads

Updated: Dec 15, 2020

Political Nonprofit Organization Minneapolis MN

After the 2018 midterm election when a record number of women of color were elected to the U.S. congress, there has been an increasing number of polls and articles published detailing the power and influence that women of color have on our democracy. Before, an often silenced and incredibly underrepresented electorate in American politics, women of color have become a political force to be reckoned with in the last decade, and one that political leaders in America can no longer ignore. Political Nonprofit Organization Minneapolis MN

Here are just some of the many ways that women of color, and particularly black women, have been changing the political landscape in America and what it means for future elections:

Women of Color: The Increasingly Growing Electorate

Since the year 2000, the number of voting-age women of color has increased significantly in comparison to other electorate groups in the United States, including white women. Moreover, an increasing number of women of color, and particularly black women, have been turning out to vote in comparatively high numbers in recent midterm and presidential elections. This means that the number of women of color voters has been growing faster than other electorate groups in recent years, an increasingly higher percentage of whom are also turning out to vote. This makes women of color one of the most powerful forces in American politics right now, and their votes alone have proven time and again to have a major sway over local, state, and national elections.

How Women of Color Are Influencing Our Democracy

One of the primary reasons why women of color have become a force to be reckoned with in American politics these days isn’t just because there is an increasing number of them, but because women of color are an increasingly politically-active and civically-engaged group of citizens as well.

Here are just some of the many ways that women of color have been influencing our democracy:

-They vote more (percentage-wise) than their white counterparts.

-More women of color have been running for office than any other time in the history of our country.

-More women of color have been winning elections than any other time in the history of our country.

-They are more likely to participate in political protests, activities, and events.

-Women of color have been leading the way in mobilizing their communities to turn out to vote, which has led to higher voter turnout rates among women and communities of color.

-There is an increasing number of women of color-led organizations that have been doing community-based and grassroots outreach in order to educate potential voters, help register eligible citizens to vote, and provide resources and support to their community members who are looking to run for office.


Women of color have been paving the way to a fairer and more equitable democracy that more accurately represents the American electorate, and their participation in our democracy has proven to be a political force that has had a major influence on our recent elections and will continue to be one of the main deciding factors in the upcoming 2020 elections as well.

If you are a woman of color, particularly a New American or a part of the African Diaspora, and you’re looking to learn more about voting, elections, or potentially running for office, then feel free to contact your local women of color-led political organization in Minneapolis-St Paul MN, Ayada Leads, today.

Ayada Leads:

If you’re interested in learning more about politics and civic engagement, or are thinking about running for political office, feel free to contact us today, or click here for more information about the programs and events we offer.

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