With the overturn of Roe vs Wade the last week of June, it brought upon changes involving the women living in America and their health. Roe vs Wade was the landmark 1973 Supreme Court Justice case that made abortion legal across the U.S. the last five decades and with it being overturned, abortion is no longer protected at the federal level as of June 24th 2022 and States are to set their own laws regulating the procedure.
Since then, many women were unable to get the procedure done for their health. Mothers have been refused care involving their unborn children that won't survive during the pregnancy because the laws in their state prohibit their care physicians in performing the needed procedure.
We feel sorrow for the many American women who have lost a fundamental Constitutional right and for the many women whose lives have been put at risk with this decision. Denying women abortions will cause farther harm not only to their physical health and well-being but their mental health as well. For something that involves women and their bodies and health, they were taken out of the conversation. Maternal mortality rates are the highest in the US and with the overturn of Roe vs Wade it could get worse. Government released data shows that 861 women died from causes related to pregnancy and birth in 2020 and 754 deaths in the year before. Below is a picture of the graph for easy access.

With this overturn, what comes next? What constitutional laws are they going to change next?
For the woman whose working 2-3 jobs to feed her kids and has to add another one, to the young girl who was assaulted and had her resources taken from her, to the woman whose baby was incompatible with life and has to carry to term and to every young girl who has to endure much worse. We know your pain. We feel it. We deserve better.