Newsworthy Women
Here are some current news articles that are useful resources for understanding the role women play in American politics today.

This Washington Post article from 2019 shows how women of color, particularly “The Squad”, is making major waves in American politics.

By Vox in 2018, this article provides useful charts and graphs that show just how memorable 2018 will be for women in politics.

The Center for American Progress (CAP) demonstrates the major influence women of color have in American politics.

Provided by the Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP), this 2020 fact sheets breaks down demographics for state and federal elected officials.

CNBC shows the power and influence of women of color in Washington.

The thinktank Chatham House published this article in 2019. It is a dialogue between Stacey Abrams, Amy Pope, and Gitika Bhardwaj about the rise in women serving in US public office.