Our Future Leaders in the Making training series aims to inspire girls and young women so that they can find their power and become confident leaders. Designed for ages 14-25, our Future Leaders are paired with mentors from their community who will help them identify their purpose and create attainable goals.

Minority young women encounter challenges everywhere. They not only share their
communities’ struggles over limited resources and systematic discriminations. Young women
deal with the pressure to fit in as well as other social problems.
Yet minority young women possess the individual and collective power to change their lives,
their communities and the world we live in. Just as they face daily challenges, young women are
continually developing innovative, effective ways to improve their lives. By mentoring and
nurturing their wisdom and creativity, young women can realize and achieve their dreams.
Advocacy Efforts
We engage in advocacy that focuses on the needs of girls and young women from minority
communities and girls who face multiple, intersectional challenges such as those based on class,
ethnicity, disability, gender, immigration status, race and religion.
Education: Pathways to Success
We help the participants to understand the importance of education. That finishing school and
getting college level education is the path to their future self. That difficulties are to be expected
and signal that getting good grades is important. The programs also provide opportunities for
future career exploration.
Building Confidence & Overcoming Self-doubt
In order to overcome negative thoughts, we encourage young women to find their authentic self,
which will allow them not only to see their future but to have faith in their thoughts and
opinions. We believe that young women are more likely to succeed when their passions and
ideas are supported, especially when their supporters help them cultivate a sense of purpose. In
this program we address intergenerational cultural dissonance and we coach the participants to
know their value and embrace their background. We also cover issues with gender roles and
How to Identify Harmful Behaviors and Abuse
We help the participants to recognize the signs of bullying and other forms of abuses. We coach
them to decode the messages they are exposed to such as media influence on body image. The
program highlights the importance of self-care for young women.
Communication Skills
Developing effective communication skill help young women feel inspired. In this program the
participants will learn the benefit of good presentation skills and public speaking. They get
exposed to the fundamentals of what makes a successful presentation while addressing the
specific challenges women face when speaking up. We also train the participants the way they
communicate with an individual or audience should be influenced by the interlocuter’s cultural
norms, faith and other social factors.
Financial Literacy
Good credit is key to future financial success. Teaching financial capability is important because
youth are increasingly facing higher levels of debt. The program introduces the participants to a
more formal instruction on money matter such as saving, spending and the importance of
focusing on short-term goals (buying an item, saving money, paying off a debt) to be able to get
to long-term financial goals (saving for college, buying a house).
Gaining practical real-world knowledge through meeting and talking with women leaders from a
broad array of roles and sectors.
Engaging in reflective activities to gain insight into personal leadership strengths, styles and
development opportunities
Networking with young women who are dedicated to making a difference in their communities.
Learning about feminine leadership, how to deal with gender inequality, and turning challenges
into opportunities from accomplished women in their communities.
We will be accepting applications from young women who are currently enrolled in high school
or in college. Must be a young woman between the ages of 16- 24. Must commit to 5 hours
twice a month for six months. Minor participants will need their parents or guardian signature.
Application Process
In order to be considered for this program, please fill out the informational questions below.
You will be sent a response via email as to whether you have been accepted to the program
Number of participants selected: 7-10
Women who are interested in participating as a mentor or special guest can also email
info@ayadaleads.org for consideration.